Each day, millions of parents around the country entrust the welfare of their child with a daycare center. Most daycares provide a safe and nurturing environment for children to learn and grow in, but others just aren’t very trustworthy. No one wants their child to be abused or neglected, but if you don’t know what signs to look for, you could end up unknowingly sending your child back to his or her abuser on a regular basis. If you suspect your child is being subjected to abuse at daycare or school, here are some easily observable signs to look for.
Signs of Daycare Abuse
If your child is physically abused, you may want to look for obvious signs, such as cuts, bruises, and scratches. It’s also important to look for behavioral signs as physical signs are not always left behind and take action if your child says or does something out of the ordinary.
Common behavioral signs of abuse include:
- Pretending to be sick to avoid going to daycare
- Exhibiting a rebellious or disrespectful attitude
- Withdrawing from others
- Frequent tantrums or crying
- Attempting to run away
Victims of physical abuse often display a depressed or anxious demeanor, and you will want to ask your child direct questions if you notice any of the behaviors listed above.
Signs of Neglect
Daycares frequently promise to provide exceptional care to your kids, but many fall extremely short of doing this. Neglect occurs when a daycare fails to supervise and meet the basic needs of a child properly. Some common signs of neglect include the following.
- Unattended bruises, cuts, and scratches
- Hunger or thirst
- Rashes
- Unchanged diapers
Most childcare professionals encourage parents to make unexpected visits to daycares. This is a simple, yet highly effective way to see the people charged with caring for your child in action.
Take Action Now
If your child suffered an injury while at daycare or school, you would definitely want a skilled Alabama personal injury attorney on your side. No child should have to suffer abuse at the hands of teachers or other students, and if your child is hurt under the supervision of others, it is important for you to take immediate action.
Contact our office today at (205) 581-9777 to speak with a legal professional.